Alisa K. has dedicated her life to healing the human condition. Transformation through her methods of dance/movement therapy coupled with cognitive-behavioral therapy and targeted through her intuitive ability regenerates the positive aspects of existence on a cellular level, re-guiding and changing subconscious beliefs, resulting in deep healing. As a writer, Alisa K. shares stories of love, loss, hope and connection. As a motivational speaker, her passion for life radiates as she deeply connects to the audience inspiring them to go within and view life with excitement and possibilities. She shatters the belief of limitations by creating solutions with an attitude that challenges growth. As a Life Strategist, Alisa K. believes everything has everything to do with everything. She breaks down the walls that compartmentalize the lives of her clients allowing them to create heath, wealth and abundance, personally and professionally. She is referred to as the go to person if you want to create Change in your life.