This past June we featured, "The Dancer, the rapper and the actor", the Paul Cortez case. Just two days after Thanksgiving in 2005, up and coming Broadway dancer Catherine Woods was stabbed 20 times inside of her bedroom. Her live in on again off again boyfriend David Haughn an inspiring rapper claims he left the apartment around 6:30 to get his car and returned 20 minutes later and found Catherine in a pool of blood. This would have left little time for someone to come in and stab Catherine 20 times. When EMS arrived, Haughn immediately points the finger at "a guy that was stalking Catherine", Paul Cortez. Paul Cortez was an up and coming actor and rock and roll singer. Paul was also an on again off again boyfriend of Catherine Woods. Was Paul stalking Catherine or was David Haughn pointing the finger at Paul to divert suspicion from himself? Paul was convicted of Catherines murder in 2007 but was David Haughns timeline creditable. Could he have had sex with Catherine, put his clothes on, leave to get his car only a block away, make a stop to set an obvious alibi, giving a killer time to sneak past 7 video cameras then stab Catherine 20 times and leave undetected by the same 7 video cameras? A month after we featured Pauls case, Paul was granted leave to appeal his case to the New York Supreme Court. Our guest back in June was Sal Siino, one of Pauls biggest advocates. Tune in this Wednesday as we welcome Sal Siino back to discuss the new developments in Paul Cortezs case.
Paul Cortez Appeal | Catherine Woods | David Haughn | Death of a Dream | Stripper Slayer
Paul Cortez Appeal | Catherine Woods | David Haughn | Death of a Dream | Stripper Slayer