Spend some time with four sisters whove found that flying the southern coop doesnt mean youve escaped the Birds nest. This show will let you in on a little of the wisdom, zaniness and southern comfort always available from their mother, the Bird, and a cast of other wacky wonderful women whove helped raise, grown up with, or recently latched onto the sisters as theyve all moved out, moved on, moved up, moved back to their southern home town. Join the sisters as they coo and cackle over their collective interests and poke fun at each other on their particular personal passions all the while checking with their Team of Experts - Aunt Nurse Betty the medical expert, Lisa the globe hopping celebrity flight attendant, Hairdresser Fran, Debbie the husband expert (with 5 and counting) Cousin Roj, their manspert, Billy, the sister whos a mister, and Susan their astrologist on retainer, to name a few. Crisis moments, music, literature, movies, medicine, woo woo, and current events with sassy southern commentary.
| rock and roll![]()
| hair crisis![]()
| spring has sprung![]()
| fashion![]()