Dr. Ramani Durvasula (Dr. Oz, Dr. Drew's Lifechangers, Today Show, Anderson Cooper) drops in on Those Diner and Motorcycle Guys Garrison and Ralph to discuss her book, You Are WHY You Eat: Change Your Food Attitude, Change Your Life. Dr. Durvasula loves food, diners, bikes and bikers and talks about how you can get into that smaller leather jacket and those tighter chaps and still eat diner comfort food by living an authentic life, listening to your spider senses and loosening the grip of your stakeholders. Diner historian Larry Cultrera discusses how the horse-drawn food carts evolved into classic American diners, diner builders the Worcester Lunch Car Company and J.B. Judkins Company from the Bay State and some of the best-preserved diners in Massachusetts built during the early to mid-twentieth century, including the Capitol Diner in Lynn, the Route 66 Diner in Springfield and Buddys Diner in Somerville. Those Diner and Motorcycle Guys website Read Garrisons new eBook on Amazon Kindle: Eggs Over Easy Rider: My Journey from Rock & Roll Producer to Motorcycle Star and Web Radio Host Visit Ramanis website and follow her on Facebook. Check out Larry Cultreras book, Classic Diners of Massachusetts and follow his blog.
Dr Ramani Durvasula![]()
| You Are WHY You Eat![]()
| Larry Cultrera![]()
| Classic Diners of Massachusetts![]()
| Those Diner and Motorcycle Guys![]()
Dr Ramani Durvasula