The Martha Fast Horse Show: Producer/Host: Martha Fast Horse (Rosebud Lakota). Producer/Writer: Liz Hill (Red Lake Ojibwe). Engineer: Justin Severson (American). Special Guests: Jim Rock (Dakota), James Vukelich (Ojibwe), and Deanna Rae StandingCloud (Ojibwe). Show Topic: Ojibwe Language Revitalization in the Minneapolis Public Schools: Three Native Education and Language Experts Talk about Their Work, the Challenges and the Rewards. Featured Song: "#IdolNoMore" by Crystle Lightning (Plains Cree) and Red Cloud (Huichol Indian) of Lightening Cloud. Sunday 1/20/13 at 6:00 a.m. CST on KQRS (KQ92) 92.5 FM, KXXR (93X) 93.7 FM & WGVX (LOVE105) 105. FM in Twin Cities, MN, US.