Thank you JESUS for your timely and prophetic WORDs. Thank you GOD for encouraging each one of us to our full calling on our lives adn the vision you gave us. Your love for us is so great and inexplicable. Thank you GOD for the vision you gave me a to feed the hungry, homeless or sad at heart. People will be fed, loved, heard, and recieve the WORD of GOD, be prayed for and take home non perishable foods. SO many have lost jobs and are now homeless and this physical world is not getting any better. God gave me this vision to help people who are hurting and suffering. If God put it on your heart to help this ministry come to fruition, so many many more people will benifit from this God given. I am raising teh money so tehy can receive non perishable foods for the hungry, and GODS word adn prayer. Please donate today so I can help as many people recieve aid and salvation before it is too late. I have worked in this ministry for one and a half yrs now adn are seeing many people coming to know GOD more just throught the little prayer I am allowed to do in that particular organization. If I had free reign to do GODs workd people many many many would be saved right now. This is why GOD is urging me to have a space somewhere else for people to come adn also come to church adn worship GOD. Many people will come to Christ throught this outreach ministry and church. PO Box 20027, RPO Downtown Courtenay BC Canada V9N OA7 or for prayer requests, tithing, offering, donation to help GODs given vision for Jesus My Rock Ministries to feed the hungry in body and in spirit with the WORD of JESUS CHRIST. Prasie GOD I am so excited and amazed at what GOD is doing to help people and to save the lost, IN JESUS holy name, AMEN
Prasie GOD![]()
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Prasie GOD